Last Update: Tue, 23 Jul 2024

Presidential File

Presidential File

July 2024

Hello Members,

Unfortunately, due to a dose of Covid was unable to attend President’s Day this year, but from all reports it was another great day. Congratulations to Leanne and Steve for their President’s Choice Award, it was well deserved, they have both put in a lot of work and effort to help run the Club.

We are heading to Warwick on 19th July, for our annual Club outing for the Jumpers & Jazz Festival. With the Grand Auto Display being held on Sunday 21st. There are still a couple of rooms available if anyone is interested, or just make the trip up on Sunday morning if you would like to be part of the display, contact me for further information.

On a personal note, I will not be standing for the position of Vice President at the AGM. I feel it is time for someone else to fill this role. It was an honour and a privilege to be on the Committee and I enjoyed my time in the position. I would like to assure anyone who wants to take on the role that I would be available to assist in any way. 

If nominated for the Memberships position, I will be happy to continue.

I would like to thank all the Committee Members for their support and friendship over the years, with special appreciation to Leanne, Shane and Craig. 

It is now time to start thinking about our All Makes Car Show/Queensland Monaro State Titles, to be held in Toowoomba on Sunday, September 8th. Please contact Craig or myself if you can assist in setting up on the Saturday or on the Sunday.


Darryl Lonergan
Vice President

What's Revving
Monaro by HOLDEN. Out to drive you wild. Holden Monaro GTS 2 Door + 4 Door
The 2008 Concept Coupe 50